Saturday Mar 2, 2024
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM CST
Sat. March 2 - 2:00 PM
Glen Ellyn History Center 800 N. Main Street Glen Ellyn
$3 GEHS members and students - $5 adults
Executive Director - Jeff Anderson
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Glen Ellyn Historical Society Presents Women Spies in W.W.II: The Women of the SOE Saturday, March 2, at 2:00 PM, in the Glen Ellyn History Center, 800 N. Main Street, the Glen Ellyn Historical Society presents the story of Women spies in World War II: the Women of the SOE. Kit Sergeant, author of the book, “Spark of Resistance,” tells the story of women spies recruited by Churchill to form a Secret Army in 1942. Their job was to infiltrate Occupied France. These spies came from all walks of life and agreed to serve in the French Resistance even though they did not know if they would ever see their families again. Learn about the adventures of some of these unimaginably brave women in this multimedia presentation. Admission is $ 5 adults, $3 GEHS members and students. Call 630-469-1867 and check the website at
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810 N.Main St, Glen Ellyn, IL 60137 – (630) 469-0907 –