Date and Time
Sunday Sep 8, 2024
7:00 AM - 5:00 PM CDT
September 8th, 2024 - 7:00am to 5:00pm
Hotel Arista - 2139 City Gate Ln Naperville, IL 60563
Contact Information
If you have any questions about this event, please contact the event director at cflick@dupagepads.org
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DuPagePads is reaching new heights in their friend-raising to end homelessness on September 8, 2024 with The Great Descent – an innovative and thrilling fundraising event hosted in partnership with Over the Edge. The event will see 100 thrill-seeking participants rappel 12 stories down the side of Hotel Arista located in the heart of the CITYGATE dining and entertainment campus in Naperville, Illinois. Each participant must raise a minimum of $1,000 in donations for DuPagePads to be eligible to rappel. Charity Challenge: The Great Descent is a day-long event, which runs from 7am to 5pm at Hotel Arista. Family, friends, and spectators are invited to come down and support participants all day long.