Event Sponsors
Craft Sponsor
Date and Time
Saturday Oct 26, 2019
9:45 AM - 1:00 PM CDT
Saturday, October 26th, 2019
9:45am - Parade
10:00am - 1:00pm - Trick-or-Treating, Crafts & Live Entertainment/Music
Parade Location - Children will meet in the Glenwood and Crescent Parking Lot. The children will march in the parade following the Glenbard West Drumline. The parade will march east on Crescent, North on Forest, west on Pennsylvania and south on Main St.
Festival Location Downtown Glen Ellyn
No fee to attend the parade, no registration required. Children must be accompanied by an adult during the parade and/or downtown trick-or-treating.
Contact Information
Glen Ellyn Chamber of Commerce, 630-469-0907, Mon.-Fri. 9 am to 4 pm.
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A Spooktacular Event where an average of 2,500 happy children with their parents participate in the parade, go Trick-or-Treating at participating local businesses, enjoy festival entertainment & crafts.
9:30am Halloween Parade Gathering
The parade participants of families meet at the Glenwood/Crescent Parking Lot at the staging area. All are Welcome!
9:45am Halloween Parade
Parade participants march in the parade following the Glenbard West Drumline. See Parade Route.
10:00am - 1:00pm
Live Entertainment
10:00am - Glenbard West Drumline
10:30am - DeForest Dance Academy
11:00am - Yong-In USA Martial Arts
11:30am - Moves Dance Studio
12:00pm - Golden Eagles Cheerleaders
12:20pm - Doggie Costume Contest presented by A.R.F. - Animal Rescue Foundation *register your dog at their table
Trick or Treat at local businesses
Halloween Craft Area
Enjoy Festival crafts and games
Glen Ellyn Food Pantry
Glen Ellyn Food Pantry will be collecting both food donations and money. They will also be serving Hot Apple Cider for $1 donation
Event Sponsor - $300
Prominent logo on parade banner, opportunity to be present day of event (table and chair provided), can distribute materials, logo on all marketing materials, logo and link on website and Eblasts.
Craft/Game Sponsor - $200 -
Opportunity to be present day of event (table and chair provided), can distribute materials, must provide game or craft for children (call Chamber office for ideas), bring signage, logo and link on website.
Opportunity to be present day of event (table and chair provided), can distribute materials, pass out paint for crafts, bring signage, logo and link on website.
Entertainment Sponsor $150
Halloween Entertainment Sponsor sign at event. Logo with link on Chamber event webpage. (NO distribution of materials)
More details to follow. Please call the Chamber at 630.469.0907 for more information.
To participate in the annual Halloween window painting please register online.
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